Thursday, May 20, 2010

Tech: Google/Newspaper: If Google were a newspaper ...

An interesting tech question pops up at Wire Report which is dedicated to Canadian communications regulatory, policy & industry intelligence (May20,2k10):

If Google was a newspaper how would it operate? I don’t think Google wants to own a newspaper but a Google-y newspaper would see itself as a platform. And that is a platform for many things. It’s a platform to gather and share news, to report news, to sell ads, to distribute … In fact, Google already is that because you can use all the tools of Google to create the value of a newspaper today. You can use Blogger to publish, Adsense to make money, and you can put up maps and videos and all kinds of things. So in that sense Google already is that. It’s a platform.

Technotes, by Owlie Scowlie

refWrite uses Google alot, but far from exclusively to suggests longterm what a reformationally-committed somewhat-daily newspaper coud look like, rather. Serious model? -- perhaps if you don't leave out the the rampant tongue-in-cheek

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