Thursday, November 25, 2010

Comix and Cartoons: Semiotics experiment with Schulz's Peanuts and Good ol' Charlie Brown

See, I found this image -- a 12-panels narrataive comix-strip for daily noozmedia, print and digital -- I found the page on the blog Faith and Theology, so I'll have faith that they got their facts and theology correct r+t, and it's theologically and theomorally okay to spread the meme of this strip around.  But I thawt there shoud be some value added.  So, I did a semiotic analysis, expressed by the Rookmakerian Nature (bottom / foreground) and Grace (top / background replaced by text of prayers made on the baseball field below the horizon-l+n which is also the talk-buble-l+n, wanting to catch that ball.

Then suddenly his prayers are ansswered like a shower from heaven, and the ball drops out of the upper cloud level (which doubles as the text-inscribed talk-buble), as it were, his prayers are andwered and ssuddenly the rain-clouds/talk-bubble, as it were (you don't really see this moment) showers down the baseball -- only to have the visor of his cap obstruct the ball's fall and tho it drops into Charlie Brown's pocket -- he's a second to late, and it plops out of his mitt and onto the ground, in a dec+dedly unmiraculous way.  Or ... .

Click the page-image to see a larger version of the comix-strip.

Look in the pix above that I've marked with a downward blue arrowhead and the inscribed words "the cap BONK!"  Look at that point, where Schulz himself has inscribed the text BONK! and he's obviously letting us witness how Charlie fell rapt on the thawt of a miracle, and all cute and outwardly humble as thru his own prayer-words the Holy Spirit is converting him to Christ, the reformation of his people, and the coming of his Kingdom on earth as it is in heaven.

URL: Faith and Theology blog (Nov25,2k10)
URL:  Some notes on Semiotics (Nov 23-Nov25,2k10)

Some questions to inç+t analysis and reflection:

• What's the meaning of this panel ? (Panel #11, my numbering)

• What role does this panel play in the story? What role does this panel play in the shift of horizon?

• What role does the disappearance of the horizon-l+n  play, especially when the Nature/Grace  schematic disappears?

• Why the disappearance of the horizon-l+n  in the last two panels (Panels #!! and #12)?  Has the Age of Nature/Grace in painting (a la Rookmaker) given way to the Age of Enl+tenment?

• What role do the colors play in Albert's hommage-version overlayed on Schulz's masterpiece original, my version being entitled "Albert's mutilation."

• In Albert's version, when and why do the purple epaulettes disappear from Charlie Brown's cap?

-- Semiotikos

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