Saturday, November 27, 2010

A country of only 650,000 total population has had its premiere women's soccer team put under the miocroscope to question the private parts of some team members.  But we shoud all remember that cases of hermaphroditism (which comes in innumberable varieties) def+nz persons as non-males in many societies.  So, if the women's teams want such persons to be included in their roster of legit players, who's to question.  We can't pretend that human beings only come in two clear-cut varieties, male or female.  Tho small in number, there are many varieties inbetween, physiologically speaking.

Equatorial Guinea's footballers caught up in gender row

Country accused of fielding two men in recent African women's championship after reaching tournament final
Equatorial Guinea
Equatorial Guinea's women's football team. Captain Genoveva Anonma is on the right of the back row; striker Salimata Simpore is second from the left on the front row.

To field one man in a women's football team may be regarded as unfortunate. To field two looks like carelessness – or blatant cheating.
-- Sportikos
This is the accusation levelled at Equatorial Guinea, the tiny west African country, with a population of 650,000.

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