Satire: coming to this blog-entry: later today / ton+t; it's already dark 7:09 PM
Yep. refWr+t frontpage brawt yoo here for more l+k this tidbit already mentioned for your reading pleasure ... remember ? ....
EconomyUSA: Corporations:
Wild satire of corporate greed in America at Christmast+m
-- Satyriasis and Satirkos, backpage demons
Cosider that The Onion has a bunion achin' in its shoe:
Black Friday Starts to Brighten
Weekend Spending, Foot Traffic Rise From Last Year but Could Reflect Hunger for Biggest Bargains
ELIZABETH HOLMES and RACHEL DODES, Wall Street Journal (Nov29,2k10)
Ready, Set, Shop!
Editors' Deep Dive: Luxury Goods Propelling Profits
Bling is Back (For Now)
Macy's 3Q Profit Helped by Higher Luxury Spending
LVMH Sales Rise 24%
Now what I wanted to tell you, and have been holding back on, hoping I'd t+r out the weaker readers and select out for those stronger readers who coud best stomach the ins+d scoop. Here's the belated goods:
Just hours back today, I was reeding about the evangelical Christian, former Gen. Bare Naked of Sierra Leone, now a fellow beleever who is acknowleging his sins -- and they are big and bleak. But, in the course of the telling this former priest-warrior of the Kahne tribe, tells how he had been responsiible for the death of 20,000 persons. He conducted rituals of sacrifice of human children. Now he's preparing to say he's guilty to the International Criminal Court, shoud they come his way. Now I go back to The Onion story on the 20,000 sacrif+ced to the consumerist god FullBelly. Or is that BullFelly?
And ain't truth stranger than fiction?