Saturday, June 02, 2012

Music: Oboe & small orchestra: Larghetto by Johan Waqgenaar Opus #40 (1934)

— Materials reposted here by Owlb.

— Hat Tip to Lucas Grassi Freire, also to Marcelo Matos.

'Calvino disse que deve haver uma clara diferença entre o que se canta nas tavernas e a música entoada a Deus no culto, na presença dos anjos." (Lucas Grassi Freire)

' Calvin said that there should be a clear difference between what sings in taverns and music chanted God in worship, in the presence of the angels. " (Lucas Grassi Freire)(Translated by Bing)

'Calvino disse que deve haver uma clara diferença entre o que se canta nas tavernas e a música entoada a Deus no culto, na presença dos anjos." (Lucas Grassi Freire)
' Calvin said that there should be a clear difference between what sings in taverns and music chanted for God in worship, in the presence of the angels. " (Lucas Grassi Freire)

Karl Barth made Calvin 's statement famous in our t+mz by saying that God prefers Bach in church, but Mozart in family (includes angels).  (Albert Gedraitis)

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