Monday, January 29, 2007

TV: Serials: 24's Jack Bauer, an anti-Muslim propaganda tool?

National Review gives readers M. Zudhi Jasser on "Why Do They CAIR about Jack Bauer? -- 24 is an opportunity for American Muslims to fight the real enemy: Islamism" (Jan29,2k7). Far from being an anti-Muslim action series (as the crybabies of victimhood at CAIR like to pretend), Jasser says Kiefer Sutherland's 24 gives a realistic picture of a certain small minority of Muslims in North America to whom the larger Muslim community has to respond in a pro-American Muslim way.

TV, by Anaximaximum

Jasser, himself a Muslim, starts off his unexpected TV review without mincing words:

Yet again, the old, tired “major” American Muslim organizations have come out in full force to object to something unobjectionable. This time, they’re angry about the storyline of 24, the highly popular TV drama on Fox: When the recent premiere episode ended with a terrorist network detonating a nuclear device in a Los Angeles suburb, the Council on American Islamic Relations (CAIR) announced its fear that “this would serve to increase anti-Muslim prejudice in American society.” The show had begun with a depiction of an America gripped in fear after an eleven-week run of suicide bombings, apparently by radical Islamist terror cells, in cities across the country.
Sutherland created and produced the show, and plays its star role of Jack Bauer. It's won awards, and does hold a viewers' interest, apparently even the interest of professional victims at CAIR. But, as noted, Jasser finds the series "unobjectionable" given today's world realities and the activities of North American Islamofascist cells.

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