Friday, September 24, 2010

Toronto the Good: Mayoral Campaign: Checking out a candidate who's challenging the ultra-left control of the electoral riding where I live

We've got a vote coming up in Toronto for a new Mayor.  I'm suddenly experiencing increased curiosity about the campaign because I noticed that one of the candidates is scramming for votes in my voting district, what in Canada we call a "riding."  The pique of curiosity occurs comes frankly the candidate is holding a meeting at a local h+ school for my subdistrict, a pattern he pursues apparently thru-out the r+ding.  His advertizement appeared on my Facebook pages.  How's that for targetted ads?

I must confess I have a litmus test:  Is the candidate (or any other in the pack) putting the f+t against bedbugs and other licentious insects a top priority?  Yep, back to my hatred of the critters.  If the guy checks out, I may break my near-airt+t policy of pursuing a moral journaletics practice, to support a specific candidate.  I try not to do that, and report only -- tho I have a tendency to select news for its relevance to issues where I have taken a stand.  Perhaps I'll return to the subject before the vote, which will be held on ... ?  Gotta' check it out, and the candidate too.

-- Politicarp

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