Monday, September 13, 2010

Soccer / football: Amazing goal: You have to see this one! [corrected]

I've seen some long kicks in my day, some very long kicks of the soccer ball by goalkeepers; but I've never seen a goalie kick that ball to the far other end of the field to the opposite goal posts ... and score!  Wow!

I have to dig up  info on the goalie's name, his time, the date of the game and its location and the opposing team's name.  It's in my Safari Cache app, somewhere. [Later: I searched and searched and coudn't find what I thawt I had, and lo and behold, I got the my vids mixed up and can't find what  I thawt I had, or did I just dream that one?] I want[ed] to get Technowlb to wr+t up the Safari Cache Explorer app, and I retrieve more info on this fabulous [imaginary?] game, and the team and world's star goalie.  That's the way the media game works, a kick like that on viraling video imagery and you go from an interesting player on an interesting team to a target of cameras and publicity and celebrity worldwide.  A person becomes the empty core of a vast whirlwind, as in the case of Cristiano Robino (more another day or so).

So, enjoy the soccer vid posted.

(In any case, I'm truly grateful too that YouTube (here's the vid's URL) exists and I have the equipment to view these soccer video gems occasionally!)


stevebishop said...

How about this one?

Unknown said...

Thanks! to you Steve. I'm checking out the vid, now.