Saturday, September 24, 2011

Arts: Literature: Paul Coelho, old and new

Paulo Coelho (Sept2k11)

I got the idea a year or so ago that Paulo Coelho was a practicing Christian.  I encountered the idea on a Blog Talk Radio program where the great novelist was interviewed.  I thawt Coelho was a Catholic Christian, having strayed at earlier stages in his life.  Now, he's got a new book out where he discusses the meaning of life, and records his turnabout.  A Brazilian friend asked me about this, and I had nothing with which to document my impression as true.  Now I've run across this ad for his newest, apparently the something of a testimonial.  Can anyone help me unravel this matter?

From the beloved author of The Alchemist and the new book Aleph comes a remarkable conversation about self-discovery that will change your life forever. #1 New York Times bestselling author Brendon Burchard asks Paulo Coelho why he wrote his new book, how he built his global fan base (6 million), and what it means to live a meaningful life.

— Coelho material posted here by LitCrit

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