Thursday, December 16, 2010

Arts: digital arts on net: Brazilian videographics and good spealking voice project well wth well-modulated tricks

Brazilian website;  excentric [experience digital power]

The visualities are strong enuff to recommend this for everybody, just for the visual pleasure of this futuristic landscape.   The point of view is distanced, so the aircabs flying in the heits of the city of the year 2k60, recall an image of orange-gold fish swimming this way and that behind glass aquarium walls.
Then we start selecting on the menu, which has a common visual and action design, but the ascensions or immaterializations of a sole human being is rather repetitive [since  do'nt understand the language, the langwij is portuges , the Portugese language of Brazil today, as in the novels of  Paul Coelho.

Becawz of the mood of this piece / website,  found myself exceptionally open to it its instrumentation,  some of it sounds like soophhisticated electronic keyboards, melodious too, it flows but it doesn't rush, and it has its sombre motifs wafting thru the melody.  But its also a futuristic vision for the year 2k60  -- I woud add, AD, that's Anno Domine.  The sound sensed of a past wounding remembered in tranquil solitiude above Tintern Abbey ....

wonder what Igor and  Guilherme -- the brilliant l'Abri leaders in Belo Horizonte -- and  Dr Gouveia in Sao Paulo, where [I hear] he's  teaching philosophy,  I wonder what they'd say about this Brazilian visiographics [and music, but for me that's another thematic]

Belo Horizonte

Belo horizonte is a civilization of 2.4 milliion souls.

Brazil Map

Use the map of Brazil above to help plan your vacation to Brazil. On the left, you"ll find links to attractions in Brazil and popular Brazil Cruises.
-- Owlb

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